• News
  • 29 July, 2010

LG’s Android Tablet To Launch In Time Holiday Season

LG has already confirmed an Android tablet and from the launch of their LG Optimus Z device in Korea today, we have learned that LG is shooting to launch their tablet in Q4 just in time for the holiday season. Unfortunately, no details have been revealed about this Android tablet since when we first heard about the tablet announcement. We can only hope that LG is brewing up something really nice for us, as the tablets that we’ve seen so far have discouraged most of us in the hopes of an Android tablet to brag about. The only one so far that has appealed to me was the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which if Samsung is putting the same effort into this tablet as they did with the Galaxy S, this will be a tough tablet to compete with. One thing is for sure, as these companies compete with each other bringing the “best” tablet, the customers always benefit.

Source: PC World

In the comments below, describe your ideal specs for an Android tablet. Try and keep them somewhat realistic.