
Nokia Already Said “No” to Android but Might Say “Yes” to WP7!?!

Nokia has always been known for making excellent quality products. It was no surprise that the Android community wanted them on board with our little green man, but Nokia has told us all “no” in more ways then we’d like to count. We kept pushing it though. We kept waiting and hoping that Nokia would take on Android and propel themselves to become top sellers again. Somehow we have failed to convince the electronic giant of the potential success that they would gain.

With limited options out there they had to start doing something though. Since iOS is off limits, the next logical choice was WP7 (Windows Phone 7). I suppose with Android taking the stage on so many devices and carriers, both companies needed to look into something that could help them make a bigger name for themselves.

It is at this time rumored that Nokia CEO Stephen Elop has been in closed door talks with Microsoft giant to produce a WP7 device. I hope this strategy pays off for both companies in the long run. Still though, I wish Nokia would have taken on Android. I would have bought an Android phone by Nokia in a heartbeat. Maybe they will change their minds once this venture doesn’t gain the ground they are hoping for.

Source: MobileCrunch