OnLive Desktop edition now available for Android Tablets
OnLive has finally released their OnLive Desktop Android application into the App Market after releasing an iPad version just a few days ago. This comes after their hugely...
OnLive has finally released their OnLive Desktop Android application into the App Market after releasing an iPad version just a few days ago. This comes after their hugely...
kristofpetho has released an update to HyperNonSense. The latest version is now 1.0. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Sensation ROM Releases 1....
LorD ClockaN has released an update to IceColdSandwich. The latest version is now 4.1.1. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– HTC Desire HD IceColdSandwich...
Just today HTC announced that they were releasing the Beats audio API’s so developers could start including it in applications. Long before the API announcement, many...
carz12 has released an update to Carz-NS-ICS-4.0.3. The latest version is now 02.29.20. This release is supported on the following Device(s):– Samsung Nexus S: GSM (T-Mobile/AT&T)...
I am personally still torn on if the Beats audio software makes a difference or not. I have heard great things about it and terrible things....
One small step for AT&T, one…. tiny win for consumers. Today AT&T announced a revision to its data throttling policy that gives a clear outline of...
In January Google announced changes that would be taking effect to the privacy policy for all of its users and sites. The policy was then said...
Some of you might remember a post we did shortly after CES in January about Splashtop THD. While at the NVIDIA press conference they showed us...
The baseball season is just around the corner so it is time to grab the best baseball app to follow your favorite team. I used MLB...
Well this is a nice thing to be alerted to. It looks like XDA member adridu59 has very recently release a beta build of VLC media player for...
Oh Verizon. What are we going to do with you? The boys over at Droid-Life intercepted a letter from one of their users to Verizon Wireless....
Those proud owners of the Galaxy Note are sure to be giddy about their purchase. The more I read about it, see it in action and...
Well looky what we have here. For all of you that jumped on board and snagged your self a fancy new Droid RAZR at launch, or close...
Got six minutes to spare? If so, take a look at this video from theslowmoguys that shows just how strong the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet really is. Not only do...
We reported last year (as well as showed pictures like the one above) that Samsung wanted to eventually have flexible AMOLED screens for their phones. Pretty...
Doing what we do all day can get a little monotonous. We love bringing you as much useful, fun or exciting information as possible at all hours...
The Beta for ErnCon, a new space shooter by Android veteran Woo Games, is now open to all Android gamers! ErnCon is a top-down – and very intense — multiplayer shooter for...
Update alert!! If you’ve yet to check your Android Market today, you may want to do so now. Google+ has just received a new update, bringing...
Here we sit, still wishing, wanting and waiting for the manufactures and carriers to get off their lazy asses and make ICS available to us all. In the...