This week’s market-fresh apps

As you’ve likely heard from one source or another, Android Market is growing at a phenomenal pace. Roughly 8,000 new apps were added in the past month...

A CPU war is brewing

Once upon a time, there was one CPU architecture for Android, ARM. With the announcement of Google TV running Intel Atom’s (X86) processors that has changed. Intel is...

Adobe Reader for Android

Adobe seems to be keeping up with Google on this one. First they release Adobe flash player for Android. Now they release Adobe PDF viewer for...

HTC Evo rooted!

Wow, that was fast. A team of three guys over at Grack have gotten root access to the device after only a few hours of work....

Is this the first look at Gingerbread?

Android 2.2 has just barely been pushed to Nexus One phones, and some people are already thinking about Gingerbread, Android’s next release. Some guys over at...

HTC EVO 4G first impressions

So you like the HTC EVO right, who doesn’t? The ones of us who attended Google I/O 2010 received the device a few weeks before production...

Is this the next Droid?

So what we have here, is this is the new Motorola Droid aka Shadow? If you can step away from the FroYo hype for a moment,...