Manup456 Eclair 2.0.1 v1.0

Manup456 has released a new Android 2.0.1 Eclair ROM.  Check it out and see it it’s up to the usual Manup456 quality. Eclair_2.0.1-v1.0 CM-42#7 kernal Ap2d...

Eugene373 Hero Eclair 2.1 v3.1

Eugene373 has released yet another version of his Hero 2.1 Eclair ROM now at version 3.1.  I just installed this ROM and I have to say...

Opera Mini 5 Coming to Android

  Opera Mini 5 is coming to android and it would appear that it’s arriving before the much anticipated Opera 10 that will only be available...

WesGarner WG-Build 8.3 – CM

WesGarner has released an update to his WG-Build ROM. WG-Build 8.3 – CM : * Added StandAlone Advanced Launcher by request (not replacement because of...

Hero 2.1 Eclair Version 3.1

‘Energizer Bunny’ eugene373 just posted another update. There is a picture of his office where he cooks up all his ROM’s that just leaked… check it...

The Droid gets an update

Verizon has announced it’s Motorola Droid will be receiving an update over the coming days. The schedule was set to begin yesterday, Dec. 7th. The new...

Google Maps 3.3.0. New and Improved!

Today Google released Google Maps 3.3.0.   The new version has some very nice updates and not simply the invisible fixes ad small tweaks.  You can...

Amon-RA Recovery Image v1.5.1 Update

Amon-RA has released an update to his recovery images for the HTC Dream/ T-Mobile G1 / HTC Magic / T-Mobile MT3G taking the recovery images to...

Use pictures to search the web

A picture is worth thousand words.No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture.   Find out what businesses are nearby.Just point your phone...