Maxisma Hero v1.7.1
Maxisma has released an update his Hero ROM taking it to version 1.7.1. Changelog 1.7 to 1.7.1 -Fixed bluetooth a2dp on Magics -Fixed LEDs on Magics...
Maxisma has released an update his Hero ROM taking it to version 1.7.1. Changelog 1.7 to 1.7.1 -Fixed bluetooth a2dp on Magics -Fixed LEDs on Magics...
Maxisma has released an update his Hero ROM taking it to version 1.7. v1.7-Fixed camcorder audio -Added AudioMod v2 -Very fast Rosie by MLIGN -Added JAC-SKI...
Amon-RA has updated his dream recovery image with some cool new features and bug fixes. Change-log : v1.2.3 added squashfs to fstab (should fix issues accessing...
Diaztradeinc has release a new version of the T-Mobile Pulse Rom which takes it’s to version Beta 1.1c Pulse-Beta-1.1c swap is now fixed, also data is...
Akirah has released an update to his Androd 1.6 (Donut) now at version 3.0.2a  3.0.2a Comes with BFS-303 + memory patch kernel (107 Mb RAM)* most...
mlign has released an update to his Hero ROM Bringing the version to 2.4.9. MLIGN-HeroV2.4.9 -All Fresh APK. Besides “Rosie”.. -Alot of Framework Change.. -Change The...
Diaztradeinc has release a new version of the T-Mobile Pulse Rom which takes it’s to version Beta 1.0 Change Log! data is fixed mms sms calls...
KingKlick has release an update to his KiNgxKxROM bringing it to version 1.6 Version 1.6 <10/08/09> 12:04pm PST Same stuff as 1.5 Except: – Hacked Rosie...
A new Hero ROM has appeared on XDA from jdubzisfaded called: Hero “False Hope” 10/8/09 1.2 “too fast, beware of speeding tickets!” Hello all I know...
mlign has released an update to his Hero ROM now called MLIGN-HeroV2.4.5. MLIGN-HeroV2.4.5 (Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness) -Changed The user.conf To 80 Swappiness! -Slimmed Down The...
KingKlick has release an update to his KiNgxKxROM bringing it to version 1.5. Version 1.5 <10/07/09> 3:00pm PST Same stuff as 1.4r1 Except: – NEW OPTIMIZED...
KB7SQI has release an updated Magic Mod w/Arabic Support now at version Changlelog: V2.5.1.1 – Fixes issues w/ optimized Browser/Flash Player. V2.5.1 – Build has...
Cyanogen has updated his latest release with more nines….. CyanogenMOD is now at version 4.1.999. —- v4.1.999 * BFS-303 (fixes some regressions like statusbar fling) *...
KB7SQI has release an updated Magic Mod w/Arabic Support now at version 2.5.1 Changlelog: V2.5.1 – Build has been optimized & a few minor updates the...
KingKlick has release an update to his KiNgxKxROM bringing it to version 1.4r1. Version 1.4r1 <10/6/09> 12:33am PST Same stuff as 1.4 Except: – Removed “RAM...
Drizzy has released a beta version of the Motorola CLIQ Android OS for the T-Mobile G1 / HTC Dream and MuTouch3G / HTC Sapphire. Beta-Beta-Test: (just...
Amon-RA ION Update Features root (duh) Multi-language : Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais, Italiano ION 1.6 Donut base Tether support Recompiled kernel RAv1.6.0 : ION kernel config...
mlign has released an update to his Hero ROM now called MLIGN-HeroVPre2.2. MLIGN-HeroVPre2.2 -Fixed YouTube (I Think) -Added My Own Spice To It.. -New Rosie For...
Akirah has released an update to his Androd 1.6 (Donut) now at version 3.0.1. 3.1 kernel 2.6.29-mkk4 with BFS 302PDF reader and Japanese keyboard should be...
KingKlick has release an update to his KiNgxKxROM bringing it to version 1.3. The changelog on his thread shows version 1.4 but only 1.3 is available...