
[RUMOUR] Motorola To Release A Nexus Phone in Q4 2013

nexusTaylor Wimberly, who famously leaked many of the Moto X details which turned out to be true, has made another educated prediction. This time, he’s saying that Motorola will release a Nexus smartphone sometime in Q4 this year, and that it won’t be the Moto X, ruling out the Moto X Google Play Edition we are expecting (if you can even call that a Nexus device).

This is potentially huge news as we’ve been wondering when the next Nexus phone will be coming from since rumours of LG’s involvement with the Nexus 5 has died down significantly. This actually looks spot on the suspected release time-frame for the Nexus 5, so we wonder if it might actually be Motorola, not LG, working on the 5. We’ve also hear murmurings of this phone could possibly being a refreshed Nexus 4 device.

Whatever the truth is, Q4 is bearing down on us very quickly, so hopefully news of this new Nexus phone is confirmed in the near future. IFA 2013, anyone? Let us know what you think about this rumour in the comments.

Source: Google+ via Phandroid