
Samsung Droid Charge Update Rolling Out – HotSpot Fixed

Addressing an issue an issue plaguing Samsung Droid Charge owners Verizon has issued a small maintenance update. The issue in question refers to a problem with the hotspot application which quit working after a certain date. Although Verizon suggested a temporary fix for this by manually setting your date back to May to restore service in the app, a permanent fix has now been applied. Additionally, this update adds a plethora of enhancements from speed increases to improved battery life, a full list can be found below.

Call Features

  • Improved battery life when placing a voice call.
  • Easily return calls within the call log entry by pressing the phone icon.
  • Outgoing calls from the Visual Voice Mail application will be placed properly.
  • Pressing and holding the ‘1′ key will automatically route the user to the Voice Mail service (*86).
  • Audio has been adjusted to avoid ‘No Audio’ or ‘Screeching Sounds’.

Web Browsing and Data Access

  • Accurately detect and connect to the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE or 3G network.
  • Enhanced browser performance.

Email and Messaging

  • A new Email folder structure has been implemented. When a subfolder exists under a current Email folder, an arrow will appear to the right of the folder icon.When a user touches the arrow, the folder system will expand to show all subfolders available for selection.
  • When an Exchange password has been modified, the device will direct the user to the password screen to adjust the saved password accordingly.
  • Improvements in the Email and Calendar sync.

Additional Device Features

  • Restoration of Mobile Hotspot capability.
  • When in USB Mass Storage mode (UMS), the device will be recognized immediately when plugged into a PC.
  • Device recognizes ringtones purchased from the Verizon Wireless website.+ Improvements in GPS performance.

If you’re itching to get the ball rolling simply going to ”Home” > “Menu” > “Settings” > “About phone” > “System updates,” grabbing the update and pressing “Restart & install”. Otherwise you can wait for the notification letting you know an update is available and go from there. Has anyone received this update yet?


Source: PocketNow via Verizon