
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy S II up for grabs from latest T-Mobile Contest

Like many, I use Dropbox and Box as my preferred storage location for photos and videos. Some of you may not be aware that many carriers also offer similar services to their customers. T-Mobile does, it is called MobileLife Album. Similar to what you are already used to with out the ability upload and retrieve other file types. Still, another location to store, view and share your photos to social networks is never a terrible thing. how many of us need another location to manage our lives at? Not many. Knowing that the competition is rather stiff when it comes to photo and video backup, T-Mobile decided to drop a contest on our doorsteps to prompt us to use it.

That’s right, another contest. Offering up a Galaxy Tab 10.1 and a Galaxy S II is a good enough reason for me to go through then motions. The rules are simple and takes a few clicks of your mouse and quick app install to fully participate. First, pop over to the sweepstakes page and plop in your email address. Fill out entry form and click next. You then have a chance to win one instantly by choosing 5 pictures on a tablet screen. Of course I would be rubbing it in all your faces if I had been so lucky. Feel free to give it a shot real quick and if anyone actually wins instantly I want a screenshot or photo proof.

From there you are free to install the MobileLife album and start uploading your photos to their server. It is pretty quick and painless really. I dropped about a dozen in to make it look good. The only thing that I am not so keen on, is the set up the free Android app. You have to sign into your T-Mobile account after it is installed, no biggie there. Then you have the choice to upload automatically, manually or .. something else. Automatically works just fine for many, but if you are a bit more particular on what gets up load you set it to manual. But you can;t access the photos on your device through the app. you have to go to your gallery and select them and then share them to the MobileLife Album app. Seems a bit dumb.

The service works and does as it should which is a good thing. After you upload your first photo that matches their guidelines, found below, you will receive another entry form via email. Get that one handled and you are good to go. At least for now. You can enter daily through April 1st, so you may want to bookmark the site. Good luck to everyone. I hope someone we know wins a cool new device.


  • The photo must be in .jpg format;
  • The photo file must not exceed 5 MB in size;
  • The photo cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind, published, posted, exhibited or displayed publicly by any means

The promotion began March 1st at 12am and runs through April 1st, 2012 at 11:59p.m. ET.

Sweepstakes page

Via Tmonews