
Snapkeys brings invisible keyboard to Android, looking to break world speed Records

Anyone that has ever been to CES knows just how overwhelming it can be. You get pulled in all directions at one time and sometimes it is hard to weed through the so so, good and great. Some booths have amazing looking displays and set ups that draw you in, others you have to take a minute to see what they are all about. Snapkeys had a wonderful booth that made Tony and I stop in our tracks and say, “What?!?!”

Their innovation comes in the form of a new ‘invisible’ keyboard. As we all know there are many keyboard alternatives available to us. You have the likes of Swype, SlideIT, Flex T9 and SwiftKey to name just a few. One thing that all of those keyboards have to offer is an onscreen full QWERTY style keyboard. For those of us looking to type faster or who may have larger thumbs, they can be somewhat cumbersome. That is where Snapkeys is innovating and reinventing how we type messages on our devices. We had some time to sit down with these guys and get the full demo of the keyboards potential, you can check that video out below.

As you can see it is a rather unique style to typing. It won’t be one of those keyboards you simply pick up and go invisible with right off the bat. There will be an adjustment time and learning period to utilize the keyboard effectively. Each letter is assigned to one of four designated keys. Simply based on the letters design and number of points in the letter. Either 1, 2, flat or circular. Once you understand and remember which letter is assigned to which key you can hide it entirely from your screen. For instance the letters I, T and F are one point letters based on the single point they make at the bottom of the letter. Alternatively, D, P and B are located in the circular letter designation based on the fact that they have loops in the letter. Their predictive engine seems to be really good as well. After the demo I spent a few minutes attempting to learn the keyboard myself and see if I could trick it. It did really well with only a few minor mistakes for some of the more odd words, like my son’s name.

The full app isn’t quite available for mass consumption just yet, however you can try it out yourself with their Snapkeys World Record app. It will give you a chance to check it out and get a feel for the keyboard as well as give you a chance to be the new World Record holder for fastest typing. Feel free to scan of click the QR code below to snag it. For more information about Snapkeys, head over to their website.

Application: Snapkeys World Record
Developer: Snapkeys
Cost: FREE