
Original Transformer update to Ice Cream Sandwich under review by Google

While we were at CES we managed to get into the NVIDIA press conference. It was there that they announced that the Transformer Prime update was approved and being pushed out that same day. That was some pretty big and exciting news for all the early adopters of the first Tegra 3 quad-core tablet. Today we find out via ASUS’s Facebook page that the tasty Ice Cream Sandwich update is currently in review by Google for final approval. That means that ASUS is confident that the work they put into making it a smooth update from their end is completed. Original speculation put the update to land on the Eee Pad Transformer by February. If all things go according to plan and Google doesn’t find a reason to reject the update, we should be a go in just a couple of weeks.

Source: ASUS via Droid-Life