
Virgin Mobile Is Getting the Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant

Well look what we have here, another carrier bringing the single largest cross carrier phone to their customers. Virgin Mobile has a few documents listing a whole slew of new devices that will become available before the holiday season including the Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant. Seems as though these prepaid companies are really starting to amp up their line up.  This is very good news for consumers. No longer will you have to sign your life away to get your hands on the latest and greatest devices out there.

As you can see from the photo below, Virgin Mobile will be releasing four new devices between November 9th and November 15th.

That’s a pretty good looking line up for a prepaid phone company. Some of the phones coming you may not have heard of. I did a little digging to see if any other Android phones were on their way and it turns out the Samsung Galaxy 550 is also an Android device. It looks like a low- to mid-range device. This may be a great option to get yourself started in the Android world. The 550 comes with Android 2.1 (Eclair), a 2.8 inch screen and a 2mp camera. This device also has a mere 150MB user memory but supports up to a 16gig external SD card.You can take a look at some other information about the Galaxy 550 at Samsung’s website.

If Samsung keeps this up they should have no problem hitting their goal of 10 million Galaxy S devices sold by the end of the year. The more threatening question I have about this strategy though is, “How do they plan to ever get Froyo released to all these companies and devices?”

Do we have any readers out there on Virgin Mobile? Maybe there are some of you that are ready to bail on your carrier for prepaid and get away from the contracts. Looks like a good time to start looking into other options.

Source: Androidheadlines