
Google Hangouts v2.1.311 Update Rolling Out [APK Download]

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It is that happy time of the week where we all expect Google to push out updates to a wide range of their apps that we all use and love. So far this morning we have seen a small bug fix and performance update go out for Google Drive and an update for Google Hangouts. The new Hangouts update moves it v2.1.311 from v2.1.224. It isn’t a milestone update with a ton of new features, at least not that I can tell. The only significant visual change that I noticed is a drop down menu to change which account you are using.

Seems to me that this used to be there before, but as you can see in the screenshots above it wasn’t present in the previous version of the app. Also the settings for your accounts has changed. Now it gives you all your accounts in one list to change the settings for each. (as seen below. New on the left, old on the right.)

I did notice one other minor change, one Emoji got a color change from orange to white. Not a big deal really.

Head to the Play Store and check and see if the update is waiting for you and pick it up. If it isn’t and you just can’t wait, then hit the link below to pick up the APK and install it on your own.

[Update] Well, that didn’t work out so well now did it. I didn’t notice the change account on the previous version that was on my other phone because I just flashed it and only signed in with one email address.

Google Hangouts v2.1.311 APK download