
Tablet Tweaks RC2 for CyanogenMod 7 – Honeycomb Inspired Soft Keys for your Tablet

The new craze in customizations has everyone trying to make whatever device they have look and act like Honeycomb. From boot animations, to themes, to total ports of the SDK, Honeycomb is like a new drug to the Android world, and people just can’t get enough. Although there is one thing  that’s, more than likely, equally as popular, and this would be CyanogenMod. So what happens when you take two addictions and combine them? Hours of getting nothing done is all that could be assumed.

XDA member and CyanogenMod developer mad-murdock has been hard at work perfecting the addition of Android soft keys to the notification bar which was then moved to the bottom of the screen, much like what’s offered on Honeycomb. Among these modifications a screen event handling has tweaked to allow visibility (almost) all the time.

These tweaks will be merged into upcoming CM7 nightly builds starting with nightly 37. As stated in the thread this is still underdevelopment so any feedback is appreciated. If you’d like to give this a try or get more information check out the XDA thread.

Source: XDA via XDA thread