
Google Play Services 6.1.11 rolls out with minimal impact for the average user [APK Download]

Google Play Services 6.1.11Every since launching Google Play Services 6.1, Google has been faithfully updating the back end up with plenty of goodies for developers, but not much that would be noticed by the average user. That’s fine, because we know in the end, we all win. This week, another update has rolled out, this time Google Play Services 6.1.11, which again is only marginally bigger than its predecessor, but we’re sure there are lots of goodies for developers to make good use of.

The update should be rolling out today, but for those of you who just like to be up to date, we have the APK download available below:

Google Play Services 6.1.11 APK Download

Let us know in the comments if you spot something different.