• News
  • 10 November, 2010

Android Accounts For 25.5% Of Worldwide Smartphone Sales, Making It The No. 2 OS

For us avid Android fans who frequent the various Android blogs among the community, there is no denying that Android is rapidly growing and according to Analyst firm Gartner, the open source OS from Google has increased 628% since the Q3 2009 results and when a OS puts up numbers like you see in the chart above, there is no questioning how Android got there. Android now claims the number 2 spot with 25.5% of the mobile OS market. Insane huh?

With Android resting comfortably above Apple’s iOS which is trailing eating up 16.7%, it looks Android has sights one the number one spot which is Symbian with 36.6% of the mobile market, while at the moment that may seem like quite a lead, keep in mind that the busiest shopping days of the year has yet to arrive and with the various Android handsets to choose from that are soon to arrive, we’re sure we can catch up to the prey.


On another note, Q3 2010 produced and record sales of 81 million smartphones and ask you can see with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S device Samsung took 2nd among the leading manufacturers as they sold over 71.7 million devices which is an 18.2% increase from their Q3 2009 numbers and the Android OS claimed 6.6 million of Samsung’s 71.7 million total.

“Smartphone OS providers have entered a period of accelerated platform evolution, stimulated by more regular product releases, new platform entrants and new device types,” said Roberta Cozza, principal research analyst at Gartner.  “Any platform that fails to innovate quickly — either through a vibrant multi-player ecosystem or clear vision of a single controlling entity — will lose developers, manufacturers, potential partners and ultimately users.”

With every increase in Android’s numbers, another drops and we’re looking forward to Gartner’s next release. If you’re looking to read up more on these numbers, be sure and hit up the source link. Anyone think we could be at the top soon?

Via: Gartner, Yahoo Finance