
[Rumors] Samsung Plans “Project J” which might Include the Galaxy S IV and Multiple Samsung Devices

Looks like Samsung wants to take part in the fun that Google created when launching multiple Nexus products, and launch a few devices themselves all at the same time as well. SamMobile got a hold of some rumors out of Korea that spoke of Samsung working on “Project J”. Now Project J might simply be one new Galaxy S device, or it very well could be a few new Samsung devices.

We have already been hearing rumors about the Galaxy S IV, but now the rumors from SamMobile are saying that not only will the Galaxy S IV be released early next year, but a new Galaxy Note like device, and a 13.3 inch tablet might join in the party. This Project J is rumored to be unveiled in April, and this new Note device is actually supposed to be released in Europe. Why Europe? Who knows, but apparently it will not have S-Pen technology. The 13.3 inch tablet, is supposed to use similar technology ASUS has used for their tablets. You will be able to attach a keyboard dock, which makes sense since it seems that all tablets are going that route these days.

So looks like we will be having some Samsung mania coming next year, similar to the Nexus mania we had a month ago. Let us know what you guys think about this.

Source: SamMobile