• News
  • 1 December, 2009

Android 2.1 Hero Build Screenshots Continued without watermarks

It’s amazing to see how much progress can be made on The Android AOSP 2.0 and the Android HERO 2.1 ROMs when a few of the best developers around band together and work out the kinks.

The Android 2.1 system dump from the HERO system has already been converted for the Dream/G1 and all the watermarks have been removed.

The proof is in the screen shots shown below for you to enjoy:

The Android community as a whole can only benefit from more of these joint development efforts and the developers get to share knowledge and experience throughout their group.

All we need now is better ways for these groups to work together and share their advances.  With the new AndroidStory just around the corner we’d love to find out what tools and areas we could create to help out the developers.  Send us your comments.