
Feb. 10th, MyTouch3G $99.99

Preparing for the MyTouch 1.2, T-Mobile has dropped the price of the MyTouch 3G to $99.99 ($50 cheaper then current MyTouch 3Gs) with a 2 year...

That’s just sad…

So you may have been following my articles about Google vs. Apple. Well I’m starting see a pattern here, Google does something productive with their time...

MOTSPLIT ugly or Interesting?

Well Motorola does it again aiming lower than the droid :-|.  As for specs ” The specifications are slightly different than previously posted. The MOTOSPLIT uses...

Seesmic Allows Multiple Accounts!

A recent update to Seesmic for Twitter on the android platform has brought us the use of multiple accounts and a few other fixes. Heres a...

C&D to Eugene Fake!

If you have been reading and following our stories, you would have read that the android developer Eugene received a C&D letter from Google. It has...