N1’s Equipment Recovery Fee Dropped to $150
Google has decided to chop off $200 off of their “ERF”. which is bundled in with T-Mobile’s ETF fee of $200 if your contract is canceled...
Google has decided to chop off $200 off of their “ERF”. which is bundled in with T-Mobile’s ETF fee of $200 if your contract is canceled...
Preparing for the MyTouch 1.2, T-Mobile has dropped the price of the MyTouch 3G to $99.99 ($50 cheaper then current MyTouch 3Gs) with a 2 year...
It’s a story straight out of science fiction (quite a bit of what Google is working on seems to skirt with science fiction.) Â Imagine talking to...
Episode 5 – Day One is the latest video in Google’s marketing videos showing the life of their newest phone, the Nexus One. In this video...
The boys over at Engadget received pictures of one of HTC’s newest phones, the HTC Legend. As you can see the Legend is running HTC’s Sense...
A video has recently surfaced on Youtube showing the Nexus One running Flashlite. With unknown origin behind this video, it’s hard to really tell where the...
We received a little update on the Rogers debacle today. Apparently Rogers really, really wants to make sure their customers are aware that they need to...
It appears as though the folks over at Sweddroid may have found a few pictures taken with the HTC Bravo. Here are the stats from the...
Better than all of the Superbowl commercials… 😉
Pocket now has gotten their hands on leaked pics of the rumored HTC Incredible said to be going to Verizon. The phone is said to be...
Linus Torvalds, self proclaimed phone hater and founder of the Linux kernel, just bought a Nexus One and he loves it. 😉 He wrote about it...
Rumor is that during the third quarter there will be a Google based ad. A Superbowl ad could be huge for Google. Eric Schmidt’s Twitter Here...
So you may have been following my articles about Google vs. Apple. Well I’m starting see a pattern here, Google does something productive with their time...
Well Motorola does it again aiming lower than the droid :-|. As for specs ” The specifications are slightly different than previously posted. The MOTOSPLIT uses...
Since the release of the T-Mobile G1 the Android community has been waiting and waiting for the release of multi-touch on the Android devices. It now...
For your viewing pleasure… (Thank you, Q)
A recent update to Seesmic for Twitter on the android platform has brought us the use of multiple accounts and a few other fixes. Heres a...
A Mozilla engineer has posted the first screenshot of the Firefox web browser running on Android. Mozilla’s Vladimir Vukicevic is currently working on porting the mobile...
Droid users have a reason to rejoice! Google has released Google Maps version 3.4.0 into the market with updated pinch to zoom for presumably phones running...
If you have been reading and following our stories, you would have read that the android developer Eugene received a C&D letter from Google. It has...