• News
  • 30 July, 2013

Kogan To Host Australia’s First “Change Your Ringtone Day”

change your ringtone dayA Kogan survey which collated responses from over 11,000 Australians has found some very interesting statistics, not least of all that 1 in 3 people in Australia do not change their ringtone from when they buy and receive their phone. To combat this and the ensuing confusion, Kogan is spearheading Australia’s first “Change your Ringtone Day” today, where you take a few minutes of your day to change up your monotonous ringtone. iPhone users, I’m looking at you.

Kogan’s survey also found that people who have a Samsung phone are most likely to change their ringtone and that Android users are 43% more likely to change up their ringtone than iPhone users.

I know I had the default notification sound on my Galaxy Note II for the longest time and ended up checking my phone much more than I needed to since everyone else had also neglected to change their’s. So wherever you are in the world, all it takes is a few swipes; change your ringtone today.

Full Press Release

Australia’s First Change your Ringtone Day
1 in 3 Aussies don’t Change Default Ringtone
Melbourne, Australia, 31 July 2013 – One in three Australians do not change the default ringtone on their smartphone, according to a new survey from online retailer Kogan.com.
The survey of 11,000 consumers highlights a problem irking Australians every day; that moment when a phone rings in a packed room, an elevator, or a public space, and several people in the room reach for their phone.
It also highlights that, at a time when there is so much choice available to Aussies, a great number of us seem content with letting smartphone manufacturers make the decision for us.
After crunching the numbers from the survey, Kogan is today launching Australia’s very first “Change Your Ringtone Day” to put an end to this problem. The company is urging Australians to use today, July 31, as an opportunity to spend a minute to change their ringtone.
Ruslan Kogan, Founder and CEO of Kogan, said he hoped Change Your Ringtone Day would help prevent awkward moments, and encourage phone users to express their individuality.
“We all know the feeling, when everyone in the room thinks their phone is ringing. It can be incredibly awkward, not to mention annoying.
“We’re now forced to hear those default ringtones repeatedly throughout the day. They seem to follow you around. They’ve almost become the definitive sound of our generation. How many times a day do we have to hear the iPhone’s default ringtone ‘Marimba‘?
“Kogan is calling on all Australians to stop this unfortunate trend immediately, as our survey shows it has already begun to get out of hand.
“The digital world has opened up so many choices for individuals – in devices, tones, music, images and a whole variety of preferences. There has never been a time when so many choices were available to so many people, yet over a third of us put up with the default settings of device manufacturers.
“A lot of us remember the arduous task of having to manually enter in new ringtones on our old Nokia phones. Thankfully, personalising your ringtone is now a lot easier.
“With any new phone from Apple, Kogan, Samsung, and others, its incredibly simple to change the ringtone. All it takes is a few swipes of the finger. So, if you’re one of those nearly 40% who have kept your default ringtone, today we urge you to change it, for your own sake and that of your friends, family, and colleagues,” Kogan said.
Key findings from the survey:
  • One in three people do not change the default ringtone on their smartphone, based on a survey of 11,000 Australians
  • Kogan has sold over 100 different models of smart phones in the last twelve months. Of these, a whopping 85% of phone sales are made up of the Samsung Galaxy, Kogan Agora, and Apple iPhone.
  • People with a Samsung phone are most likely to change their ringtone
  • Android users are 43% more likely to change their ringtone than an iPhone user