
Madfinger Games announces Shadowgun: DeadZone for Facebook and PC

Some could consider this a bit off topic, but since Madfinger Games and Shadowgun: DeadZone gained their fame on mobile and Android, it really isn’t. Today, Madfinger games has announced that the ever popular, and wickedly fun, third person multiplayer shooter, Shadowgun: DeadZone, has arrived on Facebook and the PC.

I was one of the luck few that has been playing around on the PC version for a little over a week now. Utilizing the same servers and logins, you can now do some killing on your mobile device while out and come home and pick up where you left off with the same stats and character level. Madfinger also mentions that a Mac version is close behind this release and should be out in the next few days. We will be sure to let you know how, where and when you can grab it.

On to the PC version, since I personally loathe Facebook. For the most part, the PC version is identical to the Android version. Same login details, same maps, same weapons, same money and same XP earnings. You still get your daily bonuses and 2X XP for first game of each type every day.

Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC

Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC
Where the PC version differs is the settings. Obviously you now have settings for mouse and keyboard controls including all the required aim sensitivity, inverted aiming and which keyboard keys do what. They have also included gamepad support settings too. If you happen to have a killer game pad that you prefer to use when playing on your PC, it should work. I only say should because I don’t have one and haven’t tested it.

Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC

They also have settings for how you want the game display to be. You can go full screen if you choose, or turn down the resolution if your PC can’t quite swing the game. I personally like having it in a larger resolution window so between kills or games I can pop over to Hangouts and chat with people still.

Madfingers Games Shadowgun DeadZone PC
Only issues I ever ran into were mostly personal. For instance, having to press the mouse button to fire AFTER I let go of the run button. You can’t hit fire while running, your character doesn’t stop on his own. I have only played the Android version with a Moga Pro a few time, so I can’t tell you if that is true also. The only other issue I ran into was an audio one. If you bounce back and forth between the game and your desktop, you will sometimes lose the sound FX. When your life is on the line, hearing that there is a fire fight close can be critical. It is super easy to fix though. You will know if the FX has stop when you roll over any of the choices on the game screen. If there isn’t a sound then they are gone. Yes, the music still plays. Simply hit Options > Sound > Reset. They pop right back into place and off you go. Takes just a couple of seconds.

I am sure many of you are already thinking “Great, now I will never win a match and mobile playing will be pointless with the flood of PC users.” While it has the potential to be true, it isn’t my experience. There are plenty of people out there that have dominated me in many matches who were on Android and Apple devices. PC users just have a bigger screen and different controls. I went one round with an Android users who killed it with 28 kills, 3 deaths. I came in second at 18 kills and 10 deaths. Who ever they were, they were awesome.

Are you ready to get in the game on the PC or Facebook and really enjoy some Shadowgun: DeadZone fun? I hope so, it is free everywhere of course. Below are the links you need to get going. If you feel like adding any of us to your friends list, mine game name is stormybeach, I know not original. You can also ad Rafael, he is theryno. Good luck everyone, hope to see you out there.

Shadowgun: DeadZone PC version

Shadowgun: DeadZone Facebook version