
I Wanna Wizz; Widgets That Is

Ever since Honeycomb was announced I have been mopping up the drool puddle at my desk every time I saw it. To some, it may not seem like a big deal. To others, like myself, I just can’t wait to play with it. I still have yet to get my hands on a Honeycomb laced tablet as of yet, (if any one doesn’t want theirs feel free to send it my way), but I thought we should at least give those of you that do a little app coverage as well.

The app is called Wizz, hence the title. This little creation is still in its beta stage but from what I have read, is coming along nicely. The developer team SnowBEE, who is also behind Colorized Widget, is working hard to bring some more flare to your tablet. These adaptations are only available on a tablet running Android 3.0 or 3.1. Sadly they won’t work on anything lower. Take a look at a few screen shots below.

The current widgets included with this app are as follows –

✓ Facebook
✓ Facebook Stack
✓ Twitter
✓ Twitter Stack
✓ Agenda
✓ Calendar
✓ Google Reader
✓ Google Reader Stack

I am so jealous, all I want is the stack ability. If you happen to be rocking a Motorola XOOM or Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1, you might want to give it a go and let us know what you think of their progress so far.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Wizz application. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Wizz
Developer: SnowBEE
Cost: FREE

If for any reason you are having trouble with the QR or Market link, I thought I should also provide the Online Market link as well, feel free to click on Wizz.