
The 2014 Moto G is the first smartphone to get Android Lollipop

Moto G is the first smartphone to get Android LollipopOf course Motorola is actually the first to update its devices. After LG surprised us by saying that it would update its LG G3 starting this week, we almost thought there might be a new sheriff in town. However, if what Ars Technica is telling us is true, then Motorola has stolen the crown once again after it was reported the international unlocked 2014 Moto G is the first smartphone to get Android Lollipop. This comes just days after its bigger brother, the Moto X, was spotted running a soak test build in anticipation of the Android Lollipop roll-out, but it appears the Moto G has curried favour this time around.

Assuming unlocked devices are starting to be updated as we speak, Moto G devices locked to carriers will hopefully see the update in the very near future. Likewise, the Moto G’s 2013 version should also see the update soon seeing as the major difference between this year’s version and last year’s version is this year’s version has a bigger screen (and unfortunately worse battery life). We’d expect the Moto X’s update to start rolling out soon too, but we’ll call that one when we see it.

What do you think about the fact the 2014 Moto G is the first smartphone to get Android Lollipop? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Ars Technica via Phone Arena