• News
  • 15 April, 2010

38,000 reasons to go shopping

Android 2.1 Mock Logo

Google released it’s 2010 Q1 report today and that number, in reference to the current number of apps in Android Market, was just one of many good news items. While that number may seem small, especially when compared to certain larger, fruitier markets, it takes on new significance when you take the market’s history into account. Consider these figures: 38,000 is a 70% increase over the previous quarter. In September 2009 there were only 10,000 apps. 8,000 new apps were added in the last 30 days. To say Android Market is growing in leaps and bounds is an understatement. Here is Jeff Huber, SVP of Engineering, speaking about Android and the market:

We believe in open platforms.. Our efforts in mobile are a great example of this at work. Schmidt said Goog is taking mobile first approach. Your smartphone knows where you are, so this location launched near-me-now. Turns your location into the search query. New stars in search feature, you click star next to result to save it. Makes it easier to find later (from mobile device). Android and Chrome gaining lots of momentum. Android powering 34 devices from 12 OEMs. Over 60,000 Android devices sold/activated a day. Our mantra w/ Android is “open”. The platform and Market. 38,000 Apps, up 70% quarter over quarter. I/O coming up.

Other good news included Nexus One. Contrary to some opinions, Nexus is actually performing well to Google’s expectations and is in the black.  Meaning, they are operating at a profit. The slight bit of bad news about Nexus however, is no comment was made in regards to expansion of carriers.

If you’re interested in more first quarter details, head over to Google’s investor relations page.

[Source TechCrunch, Google]