In the morning, catch up on news of the day with cards from The Guardian. On your commute, Pandora can give you recommendations for music to play, based on what you like, or you can be reminded to complete your daily French lesson on Duolingo. During your downtime, you can take care of the groceries, with a card from Instacart reminding you to stock up on the things you often order. If you’re planning a trip and looked up places to stay on your Airbnb app but couldn’t make up your mind, you’ll see Now cards from Airbnb for the location and dates you’ve researched. And when you land at an airport, you’ll see a card to order a Lyft.

Google makes sure to remind you to update your Google app to the latest version as well as your favorite apps from the list. I don’t see an update to the Google app on any of my devices just yet, but as soon as I find out if it is an APK or server-side update on Google’s part I will be sure to share the details here.

Source: GoogleÂ