
[APP] Looking Like Stock Android Or Otherwise, Perfect Launcher Has You Covered

perfect launcherThere are plenty of launchers on Google Play already with their own flavour as well as their fair share of themes. Most people already have their preferences, but there’s a new launcher out there called Perfect Launcher that might be worth a look.

Coming from for.digit on XDA, Perfect Launcher on first impressions looks exactly like stock Android. The home screen, dock and app drawer all look very similar to stock Android, and it’s quick and snappy to boot. In my short time playing with Perfect Launcher, the speed wasn’t the only thing to gawk at; basically anything worth customizing on the launcher like number of rows and columns and animations can be changed and is apparently compatible with ADW themes.

Intriguing to say the least, so if you’re interested in trying a new launcher, or are like me and want a stock Android-looking homescreen but don’t want go the ROM route, hit the Play Store links below and download Perfect Launcher for free. Let us know if you give Perfect Launcher a go.

Source: XDA


Application: Perfect Launcher

Play Store Link

Price: Free