
Amazon Appstore Free App of the Day: Super Dynamite Fishing

Fishing with dynamite, what could be more fun? Super Dynamite Fishing is probably one of my favorite games available for Android. No the graphics aren’t a mind blowing experience but the game play is satisfying in a way that can only be described as destructive and hopelessly addicting. I actually did a quick review of this game back in February when it first hit Android.

I still play this game every once in a while and it happens to be one of the few games I’ve actually purchased a full version of. With the debut of the Amazon Appstore it seems that eventually everyone’s favorite game or app comes up in one their free daily offerings. Today is the day for Super Dynamite Fishing as you can head over to the Amazon Appstore and pick up a free copy right now. Even if fishing is not your thing it’s worth a try. After all what do you have to lose? Certainly not the $4.00 I did when it came out.