• Rumor
  • 14 November, 2011

Amazon Kindle Fire 2 already in the Works?

As with all gadgetry in our wonderful world that we live in, it doesn’t take but a few weeks or sometimes a few days, before that brand spanking new device is already second-rate. Seems as though that is what is already happening with the Kindle Fire. It hasn’t even really been launched yet and there is already plans in the works to create the second installment already. According to Digitimes, Taiwanese Quanta Computer’s has landed the order to produce the second Kindle Fire. With a tentative release date set for quarter 2 on 2012. That puts a second penny saving tablet in the hands of the world as soon as April.

This is primarily rumor based on a Chinese-language Apple Daily report website. It is pretty likely. Many company’s plan ahead and have multiple products in the works for the future. What would the KF2 have inside? Not sure, the report is strictly stating that they have just landed the orders. No pricing or specs have been detailed yet. If I had to predict what it would house I would imagine a quad-core skinned version of ICS coming in around the $250 price tag that they are known for.

We will keep our eyes peeled for more information. For right now file this is a rumor. A lot can change in a short period of time.

Source: Digitimes