
@AmazonAppStore FREE App of the Day – GAIA GPS – Topos and Tracking

Amazon has released their FREE app of the day, and today we have GAIA GPS by TrailBehind Inc.  Not your regular GPS that’s going to get you to your local Starbucks, GAIA GPS is a Topographical GPS for those wilderness exploring people out there.  Hit the trails and use GAIA GPS to find your location, mark your location and find your way home.  Don’t worry about your data connections, GAIA allows you to download maps to your device.

It’s FREE, so download it, give it a try and uninstall it if you don’t want it.


Product Features

  • Download maps for your off-road (or on-road) adventures
  • Title and notate saved maps, and flag locations as wayppoints
  • Record your tracks to duplicate later, or find your way back
  • Navigate using the built in compass, distance, bearing, and ETA support
  • Choose the units for coordinates and measurement

Product Description

Love to hit the trails? Enjoy discovering seemingly untouched hideaways? Gaia GPS is an awesome app companion when you want to take the road less traveled. Hiking, biking, trailblazing, or just getting lost in the urban jungle are all supported by Gaia GPS: a full-featured outdoor GPS app.

Before the Adventure

Before you go off-roading, search for and download a detailed map of that area. Choose as large of an area as you like, and pick from different map sources. A road map is perfect for urban adventures and Cloudmade Topo has several pretty awesome options for topographical maps. A combination of both will have you covered on long road trips. Use Gaia GPS to navigate anywhere you aren’t connected!

Special Features

Notate your saved maps for reference; maps are available for many locations worldwide. Tell the app to record your tracks so you can find your way back, Hansel and Gretel style. Mark waypoints and save locations for later. This app also features a built in compass and offers distance, bearing, and ETA support. Choose from UTM/MGRS/DMS/DDM or decimal coordinates, and between metric or imperial units of measurement.

Please note, Gaia GPS – Topos and Tracking is not compatible with all tablets.


Summary and Downloads:

Application: GAIA GPS
Developer: TrailBehind Inc.
Cost: FREE