
[App] HiddenEye, catch device snoopers in the act on Camera

We all have those friends, family members or co-workers that just can’t keep their hands to themselves. You know the ones, you walk out of the room and come back to find them messing around with your phone while you were away. It is annoying and sometimes offensive. Many of you have pin locks set up or face unlock running, so the chances of them getting into your device when you are absent is lower. Have you ever come back to see your device sitting somewhere different and wonder, ‘Hmmmm, who was playing with my phone?’ Oddly enough, there is an app for that.

HiddenEye is a fairly new app that was created by Midas Ensemble. The app has no real purpose unless you have your devices security settings on with a pin code or pattern lock. If you do though, this could be a great app for you. When someone tries to get into your device and enters the wrong code, your front facing camera will snap a picture of them and save it to your DCIM folder. It will also sync it to Dropbox if you have your picture folder set to autosync. The second you unlock your device you will be presented with the images of the attempted snoopers.

If you don’t have a front facing camera on your device, not all is lost. You can set it to sound an alarm after the 3rd incorrect code entry. That should freak a few people out.

I can see this being a pretty darn cool app for those of you that are concerned about security. With Dropbox sync for the photos, one could easily track down a phone thief. All of this is always contingent on you using a lock of some sort and no one else already knows the pin or pattern. Still, a great little app that is worth taking a look at. It is free in the Play Store and does have ads to support the developer.  It was created to run on Android 2.3 and up and is super tiny at only 757k. Give it a whirl when you have few minutes by clicking or scanning the QR code below. If you have issues, suggestions or complaints, be sure to send an email to the developer, or head to their XDA page.

Application: HiddenEye
Developer: Midas Ensemble
Cost: FREE