
App Review: Jet Car Stunts [Video]

Who hasn’t wanted to fly around a race track in a jet powered car? I know I ‘kinda’ have. Endgame Studio’s recently released port of True Axis’ late 2009 iPhone hit Jet Car Stunts finally brings the crazy to Android.

Jet Car Stunts is part of those rarest of breeds, a platform racer. Those of you who play PC games might have heard of the TrackMania franchise, in which case you’ll have a good frame of reference for Jet Car Stunts, otherwise you you’ll find this game quite unique and not your regular racer (for that take a look at the recently released Need for Speed Shift). There is a race mode here along with the platforming mode but there’ll still be a fair few jumps to make and platforms to cross as you try to hit checkpoints as fast as you can. Where the race mode is about pure speed, in the platforming mode speed is secondary to trying to survive a single lap of a complex course without falling into the sky.

The word complex really doesn’t do some of these tracks justice, jumping between platforms is just a small part of the action, you’ll also be flying through rings, going through spirals and around loops. The track designs are incredible and many require several attempts before you can hit the gold medal. Replayability is definitely not an issue here, even more so if you have the ghosts of friends. To reach many of the other platforms you’ll have to make use of the jet at back of your car in addition to the regular accelerator. Jet fuel is replenished when you hit a checkpoint and as well as propelling your car faster the jet also gives you some degree of mid air control, both side to side as well as up and down. On race missions the fuel is burnt just to help build your times but on the platforming levels you’ll have to ration your fuel usage between checkpoints so you can use it when needed as you’ll never know what the next corner will bring.

There are over thirty levels available to play, with more difficult levels unlocking once you’ve beaten most of the previous stages regardless of the medal you’ve received. There’s also a pair of difficulty levels that help reduce the challenge from the regular difficulty, that proves to be more than challenging on later levels. There are no extra cars to unlock however and the level pack that was released earlier this year on iOS is also not yet available.

The graphics are kept simple and untextured; this look works well with such a surreal style of gameplay and the lack of extra visual detail does keep the game running very smoothly and fast, which one could argue is far more important. There’s also no musical track so the only audio you’ll be hearing is the noise from the car, which does feel a little unusual.

Jet Car Stunts is at its best when you’re competing with friends for the best time but even when by yourself the challenge of achieving gold on each level is as addicting as it is challenging.

When you’re ready, head over to the Android Market and download this game by clicking or scanning the QR Code below.

Summary and Downloads:

Game: Jet Car Stunts
True Axis
Cost:  $1.93

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