
[App] Slices for Twitter – Greatest way to filter your feed for importance and Interests

A little known fact about me is my absolute hate for all these social networks. Yes I have a twitter account that I so rarely use that it should probably be canceled. I have Google Plus, Facebook, LinkdIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Via.Me and so many more that it is enough to make a personas head spin. Out of all of them Google Plus is the only one that I even remotely monitor and for the last year or more, I have not added a twitter app to my device. Nothing out there really made it worth doing. Some had useful tools, others had nice looking UI’s and some, well, were utter crap. You know the ones I am talking about.

I did however, come across a twitter app just the other day that I thought I would try based on the name, description, star rating and icon. I am sure many of you look at those things too before you even think about installing something. Maybe not so much the icon, but I like good-looking header graphics and icons. Less is often times more.

So what did I install that I like so much. The app is called Slices for Twitter. It was created, designed and released by OneLouder Apps. Those are the guys behind TweetCaster, which I also sort or liked just not enough to keep. They also created 1Weather, which is a clean, simple and very useful weather app. First and foremost, Slices is a Twitter app. You will get your feed just like any other Twitter app provides. you will get a nifty little widget for sending a quick tweet or for seeing your feed on the homescreen. Nothing to brilliant there. Slices goes beyond your feed and posting though. It takes Twitter to a whole new level of interaction and discovery. After all, social networks are for much more than just finding friends.

The first feature Slices offers that is absolutely amazing is the ‘Explore’ feature.

This is where you can find a whole host of topics that pull lists of relevant businesses and people for you to follow. You can hit up ‘Trending’ and choose by country and then by city. It will pull up all the hashtags for locations that people put out there on the twitterspere, that are popular anyways. Once you go there, you can see what people are trending for those areas. For instance, in the US, under Portland, iPhone5, Bears vs Packers, NFL Network Full House and others are trending. Yes, us Oregonians still watch and talk about Full House. Jessy was the man. The Explore’ feature goes way beyond just trending stuff. There are sections for Featured, Live Events, News, Local, Humor, Celebs, Sports, tech & Science, Politics and many more. Explore section breaks down a little further too. Each main topic has a Categories, Featured and All section too. Take for instance ‘Sports’, tap the Categories section just under the scrolling list at the top and you get a list of various categories. I hit up sports, categories and now you see various sports. I hit Football and now you get a list of Twitter accounts that are Football related. Tap on the ‘i’ and get info on that account or tap on the main body to go see their tweets. Tap the three dots at the top right and you can follow that account.

Just the Explore section is amazing. The app keeps going though. You can create your own ‘Slices’ of Twitter also. These are mini feeds of your Twitter feed that you create. As you can see they set up a few for you automatically, but you can clear those out and organize where they appear in your menu. You could create a Slice for Android, Work, Friends, Family or anything you want. Once you create a slice, you go to a list off all the people who follow and can add them in to that Slice. PRetty slick way to dumb down and filter out the tweets for the people and the reasons you want.

The app doesn’t stop there either. It supports and unlimited number of Twitter accounts, post to Facebook, Search, and Zip It ( allows you to hide unwanted tweets without unfollowing and account). The UI takes a little it of time to get used to, but is well worth playing around with. If getting things all set up and all your Slices created on your phone isn’t your thing, or it seems like it might take too much time, then you can also use Slices on your PC. Yes, they have a webpage that syncs with the phone app. It is at Simply sign in with your twitter account and you are off to the races.

This is seriously the coolest Twitter app I have personally ever used. It honestly makes me like Twitter again. The widgets still need a little work. They work just fine, I am just not personally a fan of white squares. I am sure someone will theme it up for us though and reverse that ugly whiteness. Now before you make you decision simply based on what I covered, take a look at the Slices video too

Still interested? I now it was about shoes, which isn’t really our thing.  The app is free, but is ad-supported, you can get a pro version without ads if you would like. That version is found in the free version and would set you back $4.99. The removal of ads seems to be the only difference though. The free version will give you all access and functionality. You should all give it a trial run, just try to play around with it for a couple of days before you dismiss using it though. It will take you a little time to set it up to be beneficial. Go ahead and click or scan the QR code below to garb Slices for Twitter. Let us know what you think.

Application: Slices for Twitter 
Developer: OneLouder Apps
Cost: FREE