
ASUS smartwatch teased in invite to IFA 2014 announcement event

ASUS smartwatchWe’ve heard rumours that ASUS is preparing a smartwatch for announcement at IFA 2014, but now it has been all but confirmed. The teaser seen above shows the very shadowy outline of what can only be the ASUS smartwatch as well as telling us to save the date, September 3rd. The teaser is rounded out by a quote from Lebanese poet, Khalil Gibran, who says “Time has been transformed, and we have changed,” presumably referring to ASUS’ new direction with wearables as well as the time keeping properties of a smartwatch.

Running Android Wear, the only additional information we can glean from the teaser is that the ASUS smartwatch will be a slightly form factor to the other Android Wear wearables launched this year. Not quite square, but not quite round, it looks like it will be of plastic construction. Despite this, ASUS has done amazing things with ‘cheap’ materials in the past, so we can’t wait to see the device when September 3rd rolls by.

Are you interested in what the ASUS smartwatch has to offer? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments below.

Source: ASUS via Droid-life