
Battleloot Adventures to bring new RPG to Android with 3 on 3 battles in March

Gaming is an addiction, I don’t care what anybody says. Once you get hooked on a game, the rest of life doesn’t matter. I used to be an addict to a few games better left unmentioned. Some of the best games that feed our addictions are RPG’s. They usually take a great deal of time to complete, you have a wide variety of items to collect, buy and equip, and the replay value is usually pretty high.

Battleloot Adventures is a fantasy based mix of role-playing and strategy. Offering up some fantastic looking cartoon style graphics with a humorous story line to keep you laughing and moving forward.

The game will feature touch controls that are extremely simple. Tap on the character to select them, tap on the enemy you wish to tack and you are off to the races. No complicated attack menus to scroll through or furiously hitting the screen to fight. BLA also has special ‘Stars” that you can collect during battle. The more stars you collect from assists and combos the better chance you have at performing special actions. When stars start to fly up of your foe, you will want to be quick to tap it to collect it. One special attack requires one star and some energy to unleash. Each character has his or her own special ability, and one will even feature robot chickens. How cool is that.

On the equipment screen you have your list of character to the far left, and over view of their current stats. Then you have your traditional RPG style selections to choose from. Such as left and right hand, clothing, armor, helmets and objects.

There is much more to the game that what we outlined here. There advanced combat techniques, crazy weapons and armor to purchase and a good time to be had at all hours of the day. Battleloot Adventures is expected to be released to the Android market here in just a few weeks with March 2012 its target. Rumors state the game is set to launch at $0.99, but Digital Tales s.r.l. has yet to determine and confirm a price point yet.

This looks to be a real winner though. What do you guys think of it from you have seen so far? Itching for more information about it?? Head over to their Facebook page to stay up to date and learn the tricks before the game launches.