
Blacked Out Applications – XDA, Dropbox, Pandora and More

The DarkGinger CM7 theme that we posted earlier has seen a fair amount of views. I felt we should share a little bit more of  DJDarkKnight’s work with everyone. All of these and many more can be located on his website under DarkMarket Apps. These themed versions of various popular apps are designed to compliment his DarkGinger Theme. You don’t have to have the theme installed to appreciate these little nuggets of creative genius though. Take a look at few below.

DarkXDAapp-v2.apk – 5/11/11


DarkDropBox-v5.apk – 2/23/11

DarkPandora-v4.apk – 2/23/11

Those are just a few of my favorite ones that are available. He currently has 23 different apps available for you to utilize. Be sure to uninstall the original app first. Go visit DJDarkKnights homepage to see all the various apps he has available.