HTC shipping Nexus One CDMA version to Verizon Wireless!
The day is near when Verizon will officially launch the Google Nexus One. 20 days ago, the FCC approved the CDMA version of the Google Nexus...
The day is near when Verizon will officially launch the Google Nexus One. 20 days ago, the FCC approved the CDMA version of the Google Nexus...
Ever find yourself in a new area wondering “Where is the closest bank/gas station/restaurant/whatever.” Around Me is now there to help you answer that. Available on...
For all those of you that are a  fan of benbuchacher‘s SuperD builds (also known as “Donuts on Crack”), start getting excited. I confirmed with Ben...
In a nutshell, this is a very quick, smooth and stable ROM. There is not a lot that I can say wrong about it. If you...
South Korea’s Games Ratings Board said it has sent an official proposal for corrective measures to Google Korea, warning the U.S.- based company may face termination...
The awesome Android modding community continues to amaze. One of the hardest things to do is port a GSM ROM to a CDMAÂ phone. Koush, has recently...
Vodafone has updated it’s “Coming Soon” section with three of the hottest Android handsets around. Starting in April, Vodafone will make available the HTC Legend and...
For this App Review we will be looking at Orb OrbLive is a media streaming app. With this app you can stream music, videos, documents, images,...
Want to get your hands on a hard to find Android collectible? DYZ Plastic, the maker of the these Android figures, posted an update listing the...
Here’s an interesting development. AndroidGuys is posting a chat transcript between Sprint Agent Brad M and a customer by the name of Rick: 03/12/2010 11:42:58PM Â ...
I think this is the HOT! news of the day. We heard a lot about the HTC/Google Nexus One for Verizon Wireless. Things are getting clearer...
UK Mobile Network 3 loves Android. Their head of internet services, David Kerrigan, has stated 3 plans to focus heavily on Android-based devices. And as the...
If you guys remember a few weeks back I wrote an article on my friend Amber Leanox-Murray and her fight against Leukemia. This weekend there is...
We’ve previously seen the Android OS partially running on 4 WinMo powered HTC handsets. Â There are various issues still to be resolved, like Bluetooth is not...
The one and only Android device on Vodafone, the HTC Tattoo is confirmed to be getting Android 2.1 by HTC. The HTC Tattoo is a low-end...
Is there a cold war going on between Motorola and Google? Motorola today announced that from this quarter, Microsoft’s Bing will provide search and maps services...
We’ve heard a lot about the HTC Hero getting an Android 2.1 update soon, but when? First, we heard it 2 months ago that the Android...
This affects G1 owners only; emails are being sent out to those of you who signed up to participate in the new service to manage calls...
AndroidandMe recently posted some pictures of an early HTC Incredible prototype and now a newer, more final design has appeared. The bright red battery cover is...
HTCClay has released an update to his Htcclay FastTest ROM taking it to version 3.00 Hey guy’s… Sorry for all the issues with v2.9… Went back...