
droid does…

Smart phones have always had my attention, weather its a BlackBerry, Palm, iPhone or Android. My father on the other hand always said a phone is a...

Hilarious Nexus One Ad

As we all know, Google gave some Youtube channel partners free Nexus One phones to create a user made ad for the phone. So far the...

Cupcake, Donut, Eclair and Froyo?

According to a source from Engadget (Erick Tseng), For those who were thinking Flan nope. “Proving once again that those who don’t watch The Engadget Show...

Could this mean war?

Year 2010 and we might have a war erupting that could affect us all! No, not the kind where people lose family and buildings are destroyed....

Andy Rubin

Google Enterprise to be the next Nexus?

From the latest Google interview with the VP of Engineering, Andy Rubin, the rumored Nexus Enterprise was mentioned. If you all remember correctly, the Nexus Enterprise...