
Cobra PhoneLynx for Android

Wanna make use of the regular handsets in your house? If you’re like me, and most of my family, you don’t really use a landline anymore. Our almost unnatural relationships with our cellular phone has more or less nixed any need for a home based telephone service. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make use of the old handsets lying around the house.

Cobra PhoneLynx allows you to use regular handsets in your house as receptacles for your cell phone. This service works by plugging your existing phone line into the remote which in turn will broadcast service from your cell phone to every phone networked through that line. Rather than having to worry about carrying around your phone and losing reception in random parts of the house you can now place it in a spot with the best service and leave it alone. This service also allows you to set alarms which in turn will make all the handsets in the house ring at once, which I imagine blows away any normal alarm clock on the market.

This new integration isn’t exactly new, it’s been on the market since last year. However Cobra has now announced a version of their PhoneLynx system specifically for Android which makes use of the service via an app from the market.You can expect to see the new Android version May 1st for $59.99. What a great way to further increase our dependence on our mobile devices. =P

Source: Slash Gear via Cobra