
Continuous Scan and Text Search added to Google Goggles in recent Update

Google Goggles is definitely one of my favorite apps by Google. Aside from maps and Gmail and all the standard stuff of course. With over 10 million downloads we should have to tell you what it is, but we will anyways. Google Goggles is a visual recognition application that makes learning, finding and buying things a breeze. Why search the web when you can take a picture and have it search for you. You con do everything from a picture of a painting, scanning QR codes and bar codes to taking a picture of a foreign language in written text and get the translation. It really is a remarkable application.

The app has recently been updated today to offer you even more functionality. Most notable is the continuous mode, which allows you to continue scanning with out the need to hit the shutter button. They have also included a new text recognition function that can scan text in a document like a newspaper or magazine and then return the online version of it for you have with you. To help expand the search result returns you will also get user submitted results and can tap “Do you have a better suggestion” in the Goggles result page to submit your own suggestion.

Google never ceases to amaze me with the line up of software they keep producing. They are always looking for ways to simplify our lives and improve on what they already offer. You can click or scan the QR below to pick it up if you don’t already have it, or similarly to get to the app page to update.

Application: Google Goggles
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE