
Cyrcle Icon Pack Review [UPDATE]

DSC_1417Hey guys, the name’s Patrick Campanale. I’m new around here, and one thing that I love about Android is the customization options available. One of those options is the ability to use custom icon packs. A few weeks ago, we talked had the Cyrcle icon pack in our Themer’s Roundup, but today, I want to take a more in-depth look at Cyrcle, a new icon pack from Andrea Corvi, aka djskarpia.

A little over a week ago, Andrea shared something with me and the rest of his Google+ following. He received an email from Google stating that Cyrcle had been removed from the Play Store, their reason being, “Wrong tags used in the description on the Play Store.” You can read the full story at the link above. Needless to say, Andrea re-released Cyrcle as a new app, which means he lost all of his rating and download numbers on the store.

Shortly after this, he released an update on December 24th, which contained 54 new icons, more alternative icons, and fixed some issues with activities. This was because of the great response he got to people supporting him when Google shut it down. Shortly after the re-release of Cyrcle, the beloved icon pack jumped into the top 10 in the US play store for top new paid apps under productivity, which is really saying something. I have spoken with Andrea, and he has told me that he has a lot in store for Cyrcle, including pushing it over 2,000 custom icons, which is one of, if not the largest icon pack in the Play Store. But enough backstory, let’s take a look at Cyrcle.

Cyrcle was one of the first icon packs I bought when I started to get into customization with icon packs and wallpapers. I’m not a heavy customizer, but I like to make my device look nice. Cyrcle is one icon pack that did just that, without having to work and tweak the icons to display just right, or to go through the developer’s library of icons included with the pack and chose a bunch of alternatives. Cyrcle is good, right out of the box.DSC_1418

The icon pack comes with 1,800 icons, with Andrea working to bring that number to 2,000 soon. It also comes with quite a few very nice wallpapers that fit the “circle” theme of the icons. The icons are very minimalistic in design, and don’t try to over do it. They just work, plain and simple. One reason that I always go back to Cyrcle is the fact of how nice they look on my Galaxy S4 with it’s beautifully huge 1080P 5″ screen. No other icon pack comes close, in my opinion.

The icons are circular in nature, as you would expect, and most of them boast a single color background; though some have multi-colored backgrounds, like Candy Crush Saga.

If you want to pick these up, and you really should, you can head into the Play Store and buy them at your leisure. Don’t wait to long though, the Cyrcle Icons are currently on sale for just $0.99. 

UPDATE:  I have recently talked with Andrea and he said that his sale will end on January 2nd, 2014. At that time, the app will go back to €1.40, which is around $1.89 USD (getting that number from the last time I purchased Cyrcle, before it was removed.)
So, if you don’t have Cyrcle yet, go get it while it’s still on sale! You have a few days left!

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