
Deal Alert! Icon Pack by DroidIcon on sale for One Day Only

We partnered up with Droidicon not so long ago and offered up some copies of this app for free. They were a very big hit. The app is easily the single largest source app for ADW Launcher, LauncherPro and GO Launcher icons. If you don’t use one of those launchers you can still use the icons with other apps such as Desktop VisualizeR or BetterCut. The app offers over 1,000 icons  in 176 different styles/colors. Lets not forget to mention access to 400 docks too.

There is no way you would ever get bored with your screen again. Since they are all packed up in a nice little application you won’t have to spend hours searching either. The standard price for all this content $3.99 and is on sale for one day only and that day is today. You can pick up this incredible pack of icons for ONLY $0.99! You better jump on that deal before it’s gone.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Iconpack – DroidIcon
Developer: Jon F Hancock
Cost: $0.99 August 4th ONLY