
Droid Bionic Gets Some Video Time, Is It To Little To Late?

When I think of failures, my mind always thinks of two things: The Cliq and the Droid Bionic. Kind of crazy that I think of two devices that are both made by the same manufacturer. It’s a personal thing I suppose. The Bionic was supposed to have been launched eons ago but is still sitting idly by while other devices claim the spotlight. I know Motorola has a lot of money tied up in this device already so they really need to make it a hit or else it is going to put a hole in there in budget. With out further ado though, here is the latest video review of the device in action. Showing off its 4G LTE speeds and the new and improved MotoBlur UI. Be sure to crank up the volume so you can enjoy the silence of the video.

All in all , the device looks pretty slick. I can’t say I am not impressed by it, because I am. I would have liked to to see this device out about 3 months ago though. I think people might be a little hesitant with the SGS II, Nexus Prime and HTC Amaze all launching right around the corner.

Whats your take on it spinners and spinnetts? Do you think the Bionic will come out swinging? Are you liking the new Motoblur UI?