
[Game] The Tiny Bang Story on sale for limited Time

If you are big into puzzle games wrapped up with a story line and a mix of hidden object awesomeness, then you need to pick up The Tiny Bang Story. In short your home planet gets crushed by an asteroid. It crushes your world into a bunch of little puzzle pieces. It is your job to travel around your tiny little planet solving puzzles and collecting pieces of  it during your adventure. It offers up five distinct chapters and over 30 challenging brain teaser puzzles. All the levels and interactions are hand drawn art with some beautiful graphics. It was well worth the $2.99 they started offering it at, but is even more appealing at $0.99 right now.

The game is pretty addictive ones you get going. You will find yourself scouring the screen for hours looking for the one little piece of the missing puzzle. I know there were plenty of times where I just had to put the game down and start fresh later. Just check out the little game trailer below for a better look.

The music you were just listening to is also part of the game. Each of the districts has its own mellow musical score attached. It helps keep your frustrations down and mind focused. If you haven’t picked this one up yet, you really should. It is pretty darn good. Simply click or scan the QR code below and get to it.

Application: The Tiny Bang Story
Developer: HeroCraft Ltd
Cost: $0.99