
Gingerbread running on HTC HD2 Already!

Yes, you did read that correctly. DarkStone1337 has managed to get a port of the latest Android OS goodness booted to the HTC HD2. Don’t expect to see it rolling out to everyone just yet though. As with all new ports, it comes with its own set of issues. This is progress and good news though.

DarkStone1337 had this to say:

Like I said in other threads, I won’t be updating/releasing builds anymore due to time constraints. So I’ll share the change,

basically @ mjeeday, phiredrop, motoman, others who want to make the build work

Although he won’t personally be involved in the porting and update process, he is handing the start of it over to anyone and everyone interested in working with it.

You can folllow along on the thread at XDA-Developers if you would like and of course as soon as more ports and information becomes available we will keep you updated.

Source: xda-developers