
Google Drive update brings long press drag and drop functionality [APK Download]

Google Drive’s G+ page put some details about a Drive update that will soon grace your beloved Android devices. They state the update will bring an improved PDF viewer, key performance improvements and design improvements. While those are good things, it won’t be what will catch your attention. The biggest change to Drive on Android comes by the way of the ability to drag and drop files into current folders and group items together to be moved. Take a look at the animations Google prepared to show how it works out.

Google Drive updateGoogle Drive


It certainly appears to be a very useful addition to our ever-growing collection of files in Drive. The update is rolling out, as of yesterday actually, and could take a week or so before it gets to your device. If you don’t feel like waiting the APK file can be downloaded and sideloaded at your leisure.

Source: Google Drive G+ 

Download: Google Drive v2.2