
Google Now Can Tell You an Actor’s “Bacon Number”

Google Now is definitely one of the best, if not, THE best feature running on Jelly Bean. Not as talkative as SIRI, but us in the Android community did not really care about how much the voice feature would talk, just how quickly it retrieve the information we asked for. I mainly used it to find out actor’s ages, or how tall they are. Yeah, I would ask it things that would help in my everyday life as well, but there is an entertainment value that comes with knowing ages and heights of actors. Looks like Google Now has something new for us to ask it.

Most of you no doubt have heard about the Kevin Bacon six degrees of separation. This is where you would link any actor with Kevin Bacon, using actors they have worked with, that have worked with him. It is a fun game. Being somewhat of a movie buff, my friends would always try to stump me with random actors. I would always find a way though.

Google Now can now answer an actor’s “Bacon number”. Simply ask it, “What’s (so and so’s) Bacon number?” Then quickly it will pull up the number as well as the movies and actors that link them. It is nothing to exciting, but it gives you something new to ask Google Now when you are bored. Which reminds me, I think I shall ask it Chuck Norris’ Bacon number. Believe it or not, its two. There should be a Chuck Norris joke for that. “Chuck Norris does not have a Bacon number…Kevin Bacon has a Norris Number.” Something like that. Let us know what you guys think about this.

Source: Talk Android