
Google Play Newsstand Combines Play Magazines And Google Currents Into One News App

google play newsstandEver since an icon for Google Play Newsstand was found embedded in the Android 4.4 Kit Kat code, we’ve suspected that Google was likely going to replace the Google Play Magazines app in favour of the Newsstands app. Today is that day, and it turns out that Newsstands will be more comprehensive than we expected. The new app will actually combine Magazines and Google Currents (remember that one?) into one app that is eerily reminiscent of Flipboard. For a better idea of exactly what the app can do for you, check out Google’s launch video:

As you can see, the app incorporates the sleek, Card-like user interface that we’ve become used to in Google core apps, and from what I’ve seen so far, it’s a very slick, easy to use interface. I’m particularly impressed by the Read Now front page which appears to do a good job of aggregating location and interest-relevant news for your consumption.

I think it’s a great move from Google to combine the apps as it centralizes their efforts to push news alongside Google+. I almost expected heavier Google+ integration with the app, but it’s good to know that the Share function in the Newsstand app still allows you to share your articles through whatever medium you like.

Who’s liking the new Google Play Newsstand app so far? Let us know what you think.

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Source: Official Android Blog

Download the new Google Play Newsstand

You can pick up the app through our download site Gappsearly. The new Google Drive is over there too.