
Google Reader updates, Now with Tablet Support

There is no question that the Google reader application is highly used by everyone. Google has finally made an update to it’s popular reader app to finally include support for tablets. The handset version wasn’t a terrible experience on a tablet device, but did need some tweaking. I mean what good is having a 10″ screen if the app only looks bigger.

Many of the same features you already enjoy on PC based version have been implemented into the tablet based version. You have a list of all your feeds on the left and clicking on a story will open it up on the right hand side. You also have a the option to “mark previous as read” by simply long pressing on the article.

It’s nice to see updates rolling out that help make the tablet experience more pleasing. If things continue this way, we shouldn’t hear to many people trying to argue that its just a 10″ screen phone and pointless.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Google Reader
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE

Source: Phandroid