
Google Sky Map dead but not gone, moves to open Source

Google Sky Map is one of those apps that everyone that bought a G1 just had to have. Regardless of if you cared for astronomy or the heavens at all. It was a great app to have and to show off how cool your Android powered device was. In the end, Google opted to stop development on the application. I personally didn’t read into why so much, but I figure it is due to the over whelming number of similar apps in the market that take the same idea to a whole new level.

With its death comes a new life though. Rather than killing off the project entirely, Google has opted to open source the application and the project. They are working with Carnegie Melon University at the moment. The students there will directly continue the development of the app with assistance and guidance from Google engineers. The app is also fully open sourced to anyone that wishes to tinker with it, alter it or make it better in way shape or form.

To get more information on the source for Google Sky Maps, head over to their blog.

If you have yet to experience Google Sky Map, you can click or scan the QR below and pick it up for FREE from the market.

Application: Google Sky Map
Developer: Sky Map Devs
Cost: FREE

Source: GoogleÂ