
Google updates Gmail app for Android 4.0 and up, brings auto-fit and swipe Features

That oh so cool update to Gmail that we all  saw a few months back and drooled over is finally live in the Play Store. Google just pushed the update out this morning for all devices sporting Android 4.0 and up. This update brings in the snazzy auto-fit to screen message viewing and pinch to zoom options. It also gives you the ability to swipe a message to left the or right from the inbox so that you can archive it or delete it quickly and easily. Let us not forget to mention the ability to attach photos and videos from within Gmail and larger photo previews and gallery view for photo attachments.

Along with the cool new goodies, you can expect some good old under the hood stuff too. Such as the usual bug fixes and performance improvements.

You can snag it the normal way by hitting up your Play Store and then My Apps. Or if you are lazy you can click or scan the QR code down below.

Application: Gmail
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE